Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Barack Obama has charisma
And charisma is the art of grace and communications

Today, I was watching a Hollywood-stars-invested music video, singing to Obama's spoken speech words, "Yes We Can," because it provokes change, hope, and our ability to make a difference in this world

Today, I also listened to the perspective of deception, that Obama, like Clinton, is a shaddowy character. Take that in account. I was listening to these videos on Crystal's, my younger sister, Apple laptop, at Katie's, my older sister, place. By the way, Katie is rooting for the green party

I started thinking about the green party. It seems quite fundamental because what is better than taking care of the earth? I believe in the primary focus on taking care of each other, first, in perspective, in focus, but at the same time, obviously, it carries into the green party perspective in many aspects

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